donderdag 18 maart 2010

First lovely spring day in 2010

Hello everybody,

Here am I again. Sitting in the sun with a nice breeze. Chance is playing in the water and Cyn is sitting next to me, busy with her phone. Normally I would be in school today but that will not be happening for a while. I have to take a lot of rest and time for myself since the doctor told me to take it easy because I have a burn out. I have been doing a lot of things the last few months and it all was to much. All the work, school, internship and the stuff at home. It all is to much for me so now I have to enjoy. Take a lot of rest and find myself again. Especially that last thing is important. I still feel not fine at all and there will be a lot of things I have to change before it all is right again.

But now I am enjoying a lovely afternoon with Cyn and Chance, my 2 girls. Chance really loves the water and it dragging a lot of things into the water to play with. It's such a funny dog.

At home I am busy with my computer... finally. It's been so slow the last few months that I did not use it for a while. Now I deleted a lot of things. Hopefully it will be a little faster. When not I am afraid that maybe I have to replace it. That would be very bad because not 3 years ago Cyn upgraded my computer so it was faster. It was nice to have that computer back then. Now I am using my laptop more that my computer but I would love to play some games with it again.

Cyn is now playing with Chance. So lovely. I think we will be walking back soon. And there is still so much to tell so I think I will be writing more when I get home.



Later this day. I am at home now. We just had dinner (Shoarma) and I am sitting on the couch with a beer and watching Grey’s Anatomy. After our walk with Chance Cyn and I did some grocery shopping. Cyn took a four-pack of honey beer for me and I love it (That’s what I am drinking right now). Chance is laying on the couch. Enjoying her evening of rest. My head is aching and spinning and I do not know why. I feel angry but I don’t know why. I felt like this while we were walking and back then I also did not know why. Why am I angry. Why am I feeling this. I feel like hitting something very hard. I just had a phone call from Marc from school. He is the person who to turn to for you internship and since I am sick at home with my burn out. He wanted to make an appointment so we could have a talk together with Arjen from my internship. They want to have a look at the situation and they want to find a solution. I really don’t feel like having a conversation about this all AGAIN. I have been talking to people about it a lot. They want to know what’s wrong, why it’s happening and how to solve it. Like it’s a situation you can solve in a day. I just want to feel rested, to smile again, have fun and feel good. And now… now I had my phone call with Marc, now I feel that I can start with feeling better. I know it’s ridiculous that my rest depends on a phone call from Marc but deep inside I will be dealing with it, even when I don’t want to. And he is such an ass. He promised to call me on Monday and it’s now Thursday and he called. That’s only 3 days later then promised. I really hope he will be there next Wednesday on the appointment because I heard from my classmates that sometimes he does not show up on an appointment. Ow I hate my mind. I feel like hitting something again.

Something nice now. Yesterday evening we went to the cinema. To Alice in Wonderland 3D. it really is a wonderful movie and afterwards we had our own after party at our place with some beers/wine and another movie. Our neighbor joined us to the cinema and the after party. We had a great time. He also had dinner at our place and Cyn made something new called: “Hollands pannetje”. It tasted really good and I think we have to fight for the extra meal she made. haha.

I will post this now. I don’t feel like typing a blog anymore so I think I have to start a new blog another time very soon. I am sorry people but I am not feeling ok atm and I need some time for myself to figure some things out.

Have a nice evening you all!