Hello everybody,
It really has been a while ago since my "last blog". That was still on my other blog, when it was still working normally. I now started a new blog... well... Cyn did actually and she also posted my first blog about Chance in the snow.
It is today the 14th of February, which means Valentinesday. It's a Saturday so Cyn and I went for grocery shopping this morning like we always do on Saturday's. Only this time it wasn't with her mom. We stayed in Cuijk today. When we got back, Cyn got me a prezzie for Valentinesday. A lovely card with a little stone bear with love you in a boll. I will put it on my desk so I can watch it every day. Tonight we will be going to a restaurant, George is taking us but we really do not know where... Well, we will see tonight.
A lot has happened after the Chance in the snow blog. In January we went to Medebach Deutschland. "we" are Gerry, Cynthia, George and me. George and I went for Skien in Winterberg. My first time and I really loved it. I fell a few times but it was great and I want to do it more often. Cyn and her mom went swimming alot and in the evening we did go with them. It was a wonderful week and I enjoyed it a lot. It gave me some rest and a fresh and new start at work. Talking about work. After this week Cyn had to start working again for half days. It is going very well after the talk with Hans, her boss. After this talk she did not want to start because he told her to do some things different and that she could not talk alot with the customers anynore. but that's what she does. She does her work properly and talks with her customers but.... because of her pain she wasn't working that fast as that she used to work and that's why Hans told her not to talk to much. He did not see that she wasn't working that fast because of the pain. But Hans let her do her job like she wants it and I think it's all okay now.
Veronique, Somebody from work, needed somebody to take care of her dog Mila for when she is on holiday and I told her I would like to do it, if they were Okay about this at home. She was surprised but after arranging some things we picked a date to meet. so on a Saturday (do not remember the date anymore.... I am still blond) we went for the woods. together with Chance and Brutus. The first impression was very funny. We took of their belts and Chance was jumping and running and Mila was running to... only to the car haha. She was waiting there for Veronique and Georgo to return. hahaha. I could not stop laughing. Georgo went to the car and took Mila back. After a while it was all okay and Mila was playing with Chance. They liked each other and Veronique and Georgo were okay with it. So Chance has a new playmate.
Last weekend Steph and Kim came over for a party. A game party. That Saturday morning Cyn and I went for the normally grocery shopping with her mother. When we got home I put everything away and we had to wait for Steph and Kim to arrive at our place. They were here around 1.30 pm. They did not have lunch and we waited with eating for when they were here so we eat together. After that we walked with Chance but before we left my food came back in the wrong way. I did not feel well but I did go with them. I thought that maybe, some fresh air would do me any good. But I was wrong. When Chance was all tired we got back and played some Buzz on the PS3. My stomach was hurting a lot and I had to through up a few times more. Than Cyn started to make food and I had to through up even more. When I tried to eat something it went wrong again and even some Chicken bouillon did not stay inside. I sat on the couch and that was when Cyn told me to go to bed. that I was sick. She took my temperature and it was 38,5. She told me to stay in bed and that she would check on me around 9pm. that's what she did and had to stay in bed whole evening. I had the stomach flu. The next day I was still not feeling well but I played some games with them. I felt so bad for not being able to play along that evening. I had been playing guitar hero with Cyn a few times before they came. Not only to practise. also because I just love to play that game.

Around 4.30 pm the girls left for Rotterdam again. They had a nice weekend and I had to promise not to be ill next time. I did. I was sick the whole week. Friday I tried to work but left for home at 2 pm. I had a long night of sleep and it did me very good. I am feeling a lot better now and I hope eating isn't a problem. I'll be careful with some things still but bit by bit I can eat everything again.
Cyn just came out of the bathroom so I am quitting this blog now. I think I told everything I could think of at the moment.
I promise I will be blogging soon again.