Today it's Saturday. Weekend.... whoehoeee happy me. Had a hard week of work because my colleague Michel had 2 days off from work. Which means a lot of work for me. But... I did it and all the work is done. So now I am enjoying my weekend. This morning, First thing we had to do the grocery shopping with Cyn her mom. We went half an hour earlier because her mom had to go and drive some friends to the airport. After the grocery shopping Cyn and I went for some other shops in the Centre of the city. We walked into the Intertoys to look at some games for the WII and the PS3 but when we wanted to walk out of the store, Cyn saw some puzzles. Soooo we bought some puzzles. Before going back to the car we had a look into some other stores (Van Leest and Selexys). At Van Leest I saw a TV Serie which we only have the first 3 seasons. They had the 5th Season so now we have the 5th season of Silent Witness. At Selexys we bought 2 books.
When we went back to Cuijk we had another stop at her parents place. Brutus went with us to Cuijk because her parents won't be at home whole day tomorrow. But since Chance is having her Heat, we have 2 very horny dogs over here. I had to laugh so hard. Brutus try to play with Chance haha. But sometimes we gave them a time out because it al got to hard for Brutus after his surgery. And Cyn and I could not puzzle normaly with all the playing, panting dogs around.

This is Cyn busy with the puzzle

This is the puzzle we are making.
We are working hard on the puzzle and maybe (I so hope) we can finish it tomorrow.
Now we are on Skip with our dear friends Steve and Steph. Really enjoying this but I did not speak up alot since I was busy with this blog.
So see ya all later and now I am joining our conversation again.
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