donderdag 30 april 2009


Hello everybody,

Here am I again. I have to say I am feeling better now. I had a lot of long talks with Cyn and I finally see what she wanted me to understand. So now I am working on it and I think it's going better already.

Today it's queensday in The Netherlands and I have the day off. Unfortunatly Cyn had to go to work this morning. Yesterday was my last day at DHL and now I won't be working for a while. The 12th of May I have an second appointment wat Quantore in Beuningen and I really hope whey will give me the job. I really don't want to be workless. I hate that. But that's still 1.5 week away. Today I tried to clean a bit and make some stuff ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow Cyn and I will be leaving for Bonn in Germany. We're going to FedCon. Really looking forward to that. I really hope we will be having a great time but before we can leave. AGAIN, my car needs to be fixed. The stupid thing don't want to start so now and then and that's more now than than. Ow how I hate that. I sometimes feel like I did not do a good job buying the car. It feels like I am only having trouble with the stupid thing. Now Tiny and George are looking at it. This morning I had a look with George. We changed the accu but that wasn't it He things it's a cable and he needed Tiny's bridge to change it. So I really hope it will be fixed and we can go to Bonn withour restless thoughts.

That's it for now people. Have a great evening and weekend.



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