dinsdag 2 juni 2009

A sunny Tuesday

Hello everybody,

It's been a while but here I am again.
This morning we removed Chance her stitches and it looks wonderful. She is her old self again.

Cyn is at Disneyland Paris with Eva. Having a great time I hope but what I read in her blog she IS having a great time what is a good thing. Tonight we will pick her up with my car at Eva's place. I am thinking about taking Chance with us again so she can play with Jumper again.

George and I are working on the shutters again today. We did the first one yesterday (with some help from Tiny). Today we want to do the second one but we have to wait for the batteries to be full again. they were both empty so we cannot do anything at the moment. So now I can play a bit with my laptop, post some replies on Cyn her blog. I did the groceryshopping already.

I am gonna post this now and kick Geo outside so he can remove that brick which has to be gone for the second shutter.

I will post soon again with a picture of the shutters and our good work

With love


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