I wanted to tell you the story of the last day earlier but I just could not find the time to typ it down for you guys. Now I just finished with my preparations for this weekend and sat down on the couch to tell you the last part. Chance is lying next to me on her blanket. She always want to be close by.
On Sunday we had to get up early. And because we went to bed very late we did not get much sleep. After putting some other close on and putting our stuff in bags we went downstairs for some very lovely breakfast. We had fresh bread, eyes, tea and juice. After we filled our tummies it was time to go already. But first we had to put our stuff in the car since we had to check our before 12. We asked if it was ok to let our car in the parkinglot and that was no problem. after that we walked to the Ubahn and bought our tickets. (since we used our tickets from Friday on Saturday we had to buy new ones. But who cares. On the Ubahn station we saw Sandra already. The 3 of us took the 16 to Telekom station and from there we had to walk to the Maritim Hotel where FedCon was held. When we walked in there was a big, big queue already. Cyn and Sandra waited in line and I walked to the front to see if maybe Imanuel was already there. Happy for us he was and the guy was standing almost in the front of the line sooooooo.... We walked over and joined him. We gave Imanuel our picture for Nichelle because we would to the queue for the autographs in the Holerdeck and Imanuel would be queueing in the line for Nichelle Nichels. When they opened the doors we ran too the place where we had to be. Cyn and I were first in line :D . Joehoeeeee. In the queue we decided that it's was a good idea to buy a picture of Christofer Judge. So many people were crazy about him and we still had to see Stargate so I run to the front of it all to buy a picture. When I looked up the the second floor where the queue for Nichelle was, I saw that Imanuel was also standing in the front of the line. I made a picture of it :D . When I got back Cyn walked over to Imanuel to ask him something. She told me that there was 1 person in front of him but that he/she only wanted to ask something. So that makes him first. After an hour there was a big line standing for the Holerdeck, and we were first. Damn that feels good after yesterday. Around 10am they opened the room and we could walk in after the gold cards. First we ran over to Nana because we had so much for her and in this way we had plenty of time :D . First of all we gave her the "stroopwafels".

These are dangerous she told us haha. She already new them and loves them so that was a good treat. After that she signed Cyn her back, the picture from the photoshoot, another picture and the picture for Eileen. Cyn told her that the picture they made earlier did not go well because Nana looked away and asked for a new one. Nana agreed and now we had a joined picture with Nana.

After our great time with Nana we joined the queue for Christofer Judge. He is a nice guy and I really like his smile. He also got "stroopwafels".

The next queue was for Summer Glau. You can see her in Serenity, Firefly and The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Summer posed with her "stroopwafels".

After Summer Glau there was Erin Gray. Such a wonderfull woman. She was so nice and we had a little chat with her. She also liked the "stroopwafels and took a bite of it right away.

after this we went over to Michael Hogan and asked him if he could join us for a picture since we had pictures with them together (James and Michael) but not alone. He agreed and walked over to us.

James was sitting next to us and we also asked him for a picture. There was a guy in front of us and he had to pay 20€uro's for his picture. Cyn had the great idea to ask him if he like the "stroopwafels". Since he agreed she asked him if he wanted the last "stroopwafels" we had for a picture together. Again he agreed.

The last picture we made was with the happy couple Bonnie and John:

After this we left the room with a damn good feeling. It was time to go and find Imanuel which was a hard job. We looked everywhere. Finally we found him on the second floor. Together we collected our pictures of the photosessions and went for the mainbridge to watch some panels. When we walked in Dominic Keating was having his panel. We sat down and enjoyed, as in really enjoyed. the guy is so funny.

In the second picture they wrote down his name wrongly. They wrote Dominik instead of Dominic.
We also saw the panel of the people of Eureka and Summer Glau and Jonathan Woodward, Mark Sheppard and Battlestar Galactica. After that is was time for the Star Trek Panel with Nichelle Nichels, Nana Visitor, Robert Picardo and a few others. This was the panel we have been waiting for and we really enjoyed it. We ate a few bags of chips since there was no time for eating.

After this panel we had to wait for a while. Imanuel and Cyn went for some more drinks and chips and Imanuel wanted to put his back in his car. After a while Cyn came back but there was no Imanuel Where the hell was he. When we got home we found out he lost his ticket and went home angry because they didn't let him enter the convention anymore. But at FedCon we were still wondering where he was because he was still not there when the End Ceremony started. I went to the front to make a lot of pictures. After a while I walked back and told Cyn to come too. She said no but later on she was sitting on the ground behind me. The Ceremony was great and again everybody loved Nichelle her speech. It's such a wonderfull woman. What a power!!!! But first they started with a singing Max Grodenchik followed by a singing Robert Picardo. Fantastic!!! really. John also had something for us: his jeans which he weared the whole weekend. Bonnie told him from the balcony to make sure that the other one stayed on and clean because this was the last spare one he had. haha. Those two are so damn funny.
Here are some pictures of the end ceremony:

After the end ceremony it was time for us to take the U-bahn back to the hotel and there take the car back to the Netherlands. It was time to go home. This weekend past by so fast!!!!!! poor us. I really enjoyed it and we are looking forward to next year. We already booked rooms and tickets for next year. So I am already looking forward to that.
With love
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